April 7, 2003
National Honor Award Goes To
Michael Gorman
Madden Library Dean
By Amy Williams, Staff Writer

FRESNO STATE -- Micharel Gorman, Dean of Library Services at
California State University in Fresno, was elected to the Library
Board at the ALA midwinter meeting in Philadelphia earlier this
Dr. Gorman will be on the executive
board that runs the affairs of the association and participate
in committees on organization and publishing.
Last year the ALA published widely on
reference services and the "Bibliographic Guides in the Humanities."
Another important activity of the Library Board is an educational
outreach with the Public Broadcasting System and the American
Statistical Association.
The Board members also are working with graduate
students on a module on Environmental Statistics that is intended
to be part of the PBS Democracy Project. This may also produce
some spin-off materials for use in web-based course
material on American democracy.
Note: A native of Oxfordshire, England, he joined Fresno State
in 1988 as Dean of Library Services. He is the author of more
than 150 articles in library and other periodicals and author
and/or editor of several books. He was recently featured in
LOGOS, the Journal of the World Book Community. He is the recipient
of several national awards and is a Fellow of the British Library
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