16, 2003
Engineering Dogs
Receive Honors
Graduates search for jobs
Hobbs, Staff Writer
STATE -- The men's North Gym bustles with friends and families of
Engineering Dept. students waiting for their crowning achievement.
Years of study lead to this moment when scholars are recognized
with a Bachelor of Science or a Master of Science sheepskin. These
graduates face a tough job market out there.
Mechanical Engineering majors usually
consider taking math, business or physics minors to enhance job
flexibility after graduation.
To add to their job search, some grads
this week are turning to an online search at Central
Valley Jobquest,,
There are many jobs available for Computer System Administrators
as well as Mechanical, Design, and Project Engineers, to name just
a few.
Need a resume tune-up? Go to
to bring your resume up to date. Or, if you need a cover letter,
visit the
Online job hunting databases match your skills
with available jobs and employers recruiting in your area. However,
some online services charge a finder's fee like traditional employment
agencies do.
Fresno State's Dept. of Mechanical
Engineering offers BS degrees accredited by the Board of Engineering
and Technology and offers a Master's Degree program on campus and
at Edwards Air Force Base in Mojave, CA. That program is designed
to develop advanced analytical skill for in-depth theoretical engineering
Excellent laboratory facilities at
Fresno State emphasize computer interaction, operation and use of
instruments, and the experimental approach.
The Engineering
Dept's home page states that career opportunities for engineers
are available in high-technology industries such as aerospace, computers,
energy, manufacturing, fabrication, machine and tool design, public
transportation, electronics, and a host of other industries.
May 17th, the Spring Semester ends. Commencement this year will
mark the 92nd annual celebration. Click
here for more information on Commencement. The Graduate
Degree Hooding Ceremony is set for Friday May 16, 2003 at 6:00
p.m. at the California State University Amphitheater.
William T. Cook, graduating in Mechanical
Engineering said, "Today's a beautiful day for the ceremonies!
I'm looking forward to building my engineering career in the Valley."
Cook, and his wife Erin, a teacher at Central High School, are the
proud parents of a new baby boy named Cooper, age 3 months, and
their 3-year old son Westin.
